Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski MediaFire full hidden network 45

Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski MediaFire full hidden network 45



Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski countries Poland



genre Documentary. directors Irek Dobrowolski. Duration 1 Hour, 55 minutes. rating 1792 Votes. Star Stanislav Szukalski. 8,4 / 10 star. Struggle 3a the life and lost art of szukalski game. Struggle 3a the life and lost art of szukalski 2. Struggle 3a the life and lost art of szukalski god.


Loved this documentary. I always like seeing the hidden messages in movies and documentaries and this was full of gems. If you can go beyond some of the subtle dogma in the film (where it gets into the whole anti-Semitic stuff that got brought up from a judgmental point of view, showing the film-maker's bias rather than just reporting on what happened as a slice of life and letting the viewers form their own opinions about it - which really wasn't necessary and probably the only thing that took away from the film) perhaps one of the best things that can be learned from watching came from what Szulalski had to say about sourcing your own unique genius in the world. don't listen to anyone else or model your life off of what someone else has already done, but rather discover the answers inside of yourself. The guy was a brilliant thinker. kind of reminded me a little of Buckminster Fuller in a way. We can see it led to a very challenging life as portrayed in the film (but then again, whose life isn't challenging in this regard and considering this - why not go for making the biggest bold statement as possible in the world. Definitely worth a watch.


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